Life on the Blue planet would not be possible without the ocean. Yet it remains one of the least understood and most ignored aspects of the Earth System.
Oceans inc is a multi-media platform dedicated to transmitting news about the ocean. It is concerned solely with what affects the ocean and the measures necessary to preserve it for humankind.
This news site is for scientists, conservationists, legal experts and others concerned with protecting the ocean to share their knowledge. It was conceived to increase coverage for the ocean and provide a unified platform for its reporting.
It began broadcasting on World Oceans Day 2012 and now covers key ocean events around the world, issuing TV and written news as well as live coverage via social media.
The platform was founded by Communications Inc which continues to run it as a not for profit operation. Oceans inc is made possible through the financial and pro bono support of a combination of foundations, NGOs, journalists, broadcasters and specialist agencies.
We will keep you informed of all significant news relating to the oceans and updates on the key events which influence the health of our global ocean.
Oceansinc@Rio was dedicated to broadcasting all news about the ocean at the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Summit in 2012.Print and TV journalists covered the proceedings and reported to the world via oceansinc and its agreed distribution partners. A web and social media team also promoted the site, its content and news updates throughout the period.
Oceans inc is a media platform. The views and opinions expressed on this platform, and the external website links therein, are those of the authors and contributors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of oceansinc.org, its originators or any of its partners.