Sonja Fordham who founded Shark Advocates International, has written a guest blog for Southern Fried Science with a top ten list of the best and worst events in shark fisheries management for 2012, based on her work at Shark Advocates International.
Sonja Fordham founded Shark Advocates International as a project of The Ocean Foundation in 2010 based on her two decades of shark conservation experience at Ocean Conservancy. She is Deputy Chair of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group and Conservation Committee Chair for the American Elasmobranch Society, has co-authored numerous publications on shark fisheries management, and serves on most of the U.S. federal and state government advisory panels relevant to sharks and rays. Her awards include the U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Hero Award, the Peter Benchley Shark Conservation Award, and the IUCN Harry Messel Award for Conservation Leadership.
Photo courtesy of steve.garner32 via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)