Monday, June 18, 2012

Richard Branson Heads to Rio to Defend the Ocean

On route to the Rio+20 conference earlier today, Ocean Elder Richard Branson spoke of his hopes for the conference:

"We are going to Rio to focus on getting governments to come together to ensure the protection of our high seas. We’ll also be raising awareness of the importance of our wonderful oceans that deliver 50% of our oxygen.

"There are expectations that the summit will conclude with a commitment to regulate the exploitation of high seas natural resources, as the excellent articles at explain.

"The United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea is desperately in need of updating in order to ensure a new commitment to protecting the oceans is agreed to by countries around the world. We will be working hard at Rio+20 to make sure this happens."

The Ocean Elders will be describing their new vision for marine protection later in the Summit.

Branson's also took his message to South Africa's 'Business Day' site to urge action on stopping the plundering of the oceans.

Source: Blog of Richard Branson